viernes, 29 de enero de 2016

English in descubrirlaquimica2

When I started this blog a friend asked me: "When are you going to do a blog using English?" 

I answered that I had this idea but I didn´t know when I were going to start.

This is the moment!

I'm not going to use only Spanish in this blog. 

This is an experience that I want to try out, sometimes I'm going to write in English, others in Spanish and I'm going to mix languages too.

It's certain that onetime I recomended a book that was written in English and sometimes I showed some videos that were in English. This was a good a experience for me and for you, but now I'm going to create articles, diagrams ... trying to use English.


Descubrirlaquimica2.Chemist student in USC. 

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